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Rahl Morguer

Name: Rahl Ulisses Morguer
Age: 33
Hometown: Atlygea
Current Residence: Unknown
Occupation: Former Captain of the Royal Guard
Talents/Skills: Crafter, beast tamer and breeder and skilled warrior.

Birth order: First and only child of mother
Siblings (describe relationship): unknown/never met
Spouse (describe relationship): n/a
Children (describe relationship): n/a
Grandparents (describe relationship): James and Ethehal Ottis
Grandchildren (describe relationship): n/a
Relationship skills: Rahl is rather soft spoken, which is a contrast to his size. Often trying to appease others and protect those that are not capable of protecting themselves.

Physical Characteristics:

Height: 7'7
Weight: 600lbs
Race: Half Druid/Half Giant
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Skin color: Olive
Distinguishing features: Rahl is covered in ornate tattoos that enhance the scars he has earned through life. Both arms, his chest and back are covered with his heritage and history as defender of his lands.
How does he/she dress: Generally shirtless due to running hot as a giant. So, often just some simple pants or just fur pants if he is traveling in the cold. When he was a Knight he wore full plate mail that he made himself to suit his larger frame and bulk.
Mannerisms: A gentleman and exceptionally polite, often oblivious to him doing something that would be considered flirting.
Habits: Combing his fingers through his hair or beard whenever frustrated.
Health: Exceptional, being part Giant he has never been sick and heals quickly from most injuries.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, cooking and tending to the beasts that he befriends.
Favorite Sayings: Sighing, if that was a saying
Speech patterns: Lots of sighing and often poetic when just trying to express himself.
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Simple and Functional.
Greatest flaw: Anger and being too nice.
Best quality: Willing to die for his friends and family, or even just someone who is weaker than himself.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: Taught to read and write from his mother, how to craft and tame from his grandparents.
Intelligence Level: High, he enjoys deep conversations and discussions.
Learning Experiences: That his size often taken as something to fear and so tries very hard to not upset others.
Character's short-term goals in life: Survive.
Character's long-term goals in life: Return home.
How does Character see himself/herself? A protector
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? A monster like his full giant father.
How self-confident is the character? Very in his abilities as a Knight and warrior.
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? A combination for his emotions can be dangerous or so he has been taught.
What would most embarrass this character? Talk of a sexual nature.

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths/Weaknesses: Caring too much and trying to save everyone, coupled with his rage that can get out of hand.
Introvert or Extrovert? Kind of both as it is situational.
How does the character deal with anger? Tries to control it, at all costs.
With sadness? Makes it hard for him to function sometimes.
With conflict? Tries to end it as fast as possible, because he just does not enjoy conflict.
With change? At heart he is an old man who would prefer that most remained as it was.
With loss? Devastating, especially if he feels he could have done something to help them.
What does the character want out of life? To be accepted for who he is and not turn into his father.
What would the character like to change in his/her life? Being just a human if that was possible.
What motivates this character? Getting back home and generally helping those in need.
What frightens this character? Turning into his father.
What makes this character happy? Helping others.
Is the character judgmental of others? Not at all.
Is the character generous or stingy? Very Generous
Is the character generally polite or rude? Polite

Spiritual Characteristics

Does the character believe in God? A Goddess yes
What are the character's spiritual beliefs? That the great Goddess of nature protects them all and guides them through life.
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life? Yes.
If so, what role does it play? Often his means of seeking guidance when he is upset or feeling lost.

How the Character is Involved in the Story

Character's role in the novel (main character? hero? heroine? Romantic interest? Etc.): Main
Scene where character first appears: Washed up on shore with his Thyla
Relationships with other characters: The constant thorn in Ve's backside


Rahl was born to his druid mother, following the assualt she suffered at the hands of his giant father. It was not a consentual encounter and were it not for his mother receiving a “sign” and being taken in by a kind couple, she would have terminated the pregnancy. Cast out from her Order, his mother Andrea did not know what to do and feared bringing the child from her attacker into the world. It was as she held the brew that would sweep the life from her body, that a white stag appeared from the woods.

Staring at her, as if seeing into her inner thoughts and soul, she dropped the brew there and wept for the child that she nearly cast aside. Alone, but determined to keep her child, Andrea the Former High Priestest of wandered the woods trying to find her place in the world. As luck or fate would have it, she was found by a kind man and his wife. Crafters by trade, they brought her into their home and helped her eventually deliver the large and somewhat overdue child. Rahl was born, named for Andrea's father and from his first screams it was decided he would be a force all his own.

Growing up, he learned to craft from his grandparents and all about the animals from his mother. Though it was not always an easy time for him, Rahl had to learn early to control the rage and thus the strength he was given from his father. Emotions often just there on the surface, often feeling more than others it was a constant struggle and many a lesson for him to learn this from his mother and grandparents. They were always so paitent with him, even when they knew he could easily hurt them. It was shown early on that depsite how much of his father was in his blood, Rahl had his mother's heart and kind spirit. Which often left him broken and devasted if he let his temper get the best of him.

As the years went by, he grew to be ostracished by the other children and villagers alike. Thinking him a beast waiting to hurt much like his father. What did not help the situation was how his father would, “visit” his mother. With the perverted idea that he could father another child since Rahl was such a disappointment. Under the threat of her son and adoptive family being slain, Andrea suffered through it all until the day that Rahl was old enough and strong enough to fight back. Defeating his father and keeping his mother safe.

This was the catalyst that spurned on his desire to help others, even if they feared him and it soon made it to the King that there was a man of towering strength and power that helped. One such story of how he held back a flood when the dam at the river broke. Using a giant boulder and bracing it on his back while the section in danger was able to evacuate.

Rahl was then taken into the King's guard, a trophy of sorts is how he started until he showed to be a capable and talented soilder. Knowing his limitations and able to talk down most situations before violence could ensue. Rising up in ranks he became the Captain of the Guards, given the title of Sir which he was very proud of. All appeared to be going well with the man until a pirate came into his port and turned into the biggest thorn in his backside. A game of cat and mouse that ended only because a neighboring ally betrayed them and aided another in invading their lands. Doing the best that he could, Rahl watched his mother get burned alive in her home before being captured and carted off for strange lands.

If he knew that Pirate would be the one to save him...

The Knight: About
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